Blanketing opinions that I'll probably regret soon.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Actual Size of Penguins

After my friend saw March of the Penguins, he told us that before the movie, he had thought that penguins were like six (6) feet tall. After a period of laughter, we realized he was serious.

We Photoshopped an image of him next to a penguin if it were the size he thought it was:

Isn't this an especially odd misconception? I mean, it's not like he thought penguins gave birth to live babies or something like that; he thought they were the size of grizzly bears, for god sakes.
I had an ex-boyfriend who wouldn't let me touch his belly button because he firmly believed it would come untied and his intestines would fall out. I did nothing to disabuse him of this notion.
goddamn that's funny. can't believe it from the x-man.
Yo, RL,

That's Patrick Swayze, can't you tell?
I just thought of something funny... you know that part in the movie where the adult penguins are terrorized by leopard seals? The seals are more than twice the size of the penguins and they have scary teeth and are aggressive. That means Random Libertarian thought there were 14 ft carnivorous seals stalking Antarctica.
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